(of a discussion or meeting) To preside over
(slang, uncountable plural) Bullets or ammunition
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To physically guide a person or animal
“John would lead his horse to water, but could not make it drink.”
To be persuaded based on available information
“Mike's outrageous allegations would almost lead me to believe that Brett was a bad man.”
(lead to) To culminate or result in a particular event or consequence
“Eating too much food and not getting enough exercise will lead to weight gain.”
To show the way by being in front
“Vincent Chase would lead his entourage into the club.”
To be in charge or command of
“Danny Ocean would lead a team of specialists who would help him pull off his heist.”
To have the advantage in a contest
“The team got off to a fast start and would lead by 20 points at the first change.”
To be superior against one's peers
“Phelps would quickly lead the other swimmers, leaving them in his wake.”
To be living a particular way of life
“I lead a hectic life. I'm always busy and always on the go.”
(lead to) To be a route or means of access
“The trail along the flowing river will lead to a tranquil lake.”
To give advice and instruction
“Your supervisor will lead you through the rules and regulations of your new job.”
(of a discussion or meeting) To preside over
“As the executive officer of the company, Adam would lead the meeting between the two teams.”
To set up or establish
To be positioned over or along a certain course or in a certain direction
To present as the main attraction of an event
To direct or guide along a pathway
To exceed in weight or importance
To lure by temptation or enticement
To be exceptionally proficient in an activity or subject
To lead into an area or space, usually with an impressive view or ambiance
To encourage or induce someone to appear to assert something through manipulation
To move or proceed in a given course or direction
To bet into a pot postflop from the first betting position
To change another's belief, especially regarding religion
To operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle
(point to) To show as probable, or to call attention to
(the lead) A position of advantage in a contest
“As usual, Usain found himself in the lead and even had enough time to salute the crowd on his way to the finish line.”
A dominant position in a competitive environment
“The creators of MySpace never imagined an upstart would usurp their lead in the social network market.”
The amount by which a competitor is ahead in a contest
“The Cavaliers had a 41-point lead at halftime and the Celtics knew the game was just about over.”
A standard for others to follow
“As the captain of your football team, we expect the other players to follow your lead.”
The primary part in a play or film
“Leonardo DiCaprio is a favorite of Martin Scorsese when it comes to playing the lead in many of his films.”
A piece of information that may help in an investigation
“We have a solid lead in uncovering who the notorious chocolate chip cookie thief is.”
Someone or something who is in front
“The lead was miles ahead of the pack.”
A strap for restraining and guiding a domestic animal
“Bobby was a naughty dog who would always run amok unless he was on a lead.”
An electric cable
“Be sure to get a good quality lead for the best sound quality from your speakers.”
(slang, uncountable plural) Bullets or ammunition
“Get your ugly, yellow, no-good keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead.”
A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television
The extent or measurement of something from end to end
A very famous or talented entertainer, especially an actor
An item's relative importance
The highest or most important rank, level, or position
Weight on plumb line
An actor's part in a play, film, etc.
A projectile shot from a gun at high speed
The most important or significant of a related group
(mining) A vein of metallic ore that lies within definite boundaries, or within a fissure
The senior member of some group of people
Top advantage in a competition, occupying the front position, leading the rest
Explanatory text under the main heading of a news article
A useful suggestion or indication, guiding toward a solution or understanding
A mineral, lead sulphide (PbS), mined as an ore for lead
A person who escorts or shows the way to others
A fossil fuel that is made of impure carbon
First place, or a position of dominance
“We have worked hard for the lead position in our market but we must never let up.”
Outstanding in standard or quality
Made of, resembling, or related to, lead
Of a color intermediate between black and white
Having a preliminary, introductory or preparatory nature
At the forefront of new and experimental ideas, styles and methods
Types of ore or metal
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