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What is another word for hand?

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The end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb
“He opened his eyes, looking up to see the woman's hand holding a damp cloth to his face.”
A person who engages in manual labor
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“He worked as a hand in the fields, but he was knowledgeable enough that he was eventually given a position of greater responsibility.”
Help in doing something
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“They could do with a hand, so why not share some of that amazing good fortune that you have had with them?”
Participation in doing something
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“Too many people, with or without their knowledge, have had a hand in this book that I could individually name them and adequately thank them.”
A person's handwriting
“In a cursive hand, the writer keeps the pen for the most part on the page, connecting letters together.”
A round of applause
“What scares me is that many of those who voted for her in the past now think she's insane, and yet she gets a big hand abroad.”
A pointer on a clock or watch indicating the passing of units of time
“Rotating his body like the hand of a clock, he shuffled around the lamb, examining it from every angle.”
The power, command or control to direct or order something
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“And by the hand of Zeus, the Kraken was released!”
The state of having, owning, or controlling something
“I will compare it with other offers I have in hand before deciding.”
A particular aspect in which something or someone appears or may be regarded
“On the one hand, he was trying to be neat and proper, and on the other hand, he was sleeping in his clothes.”
A person who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in their field
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“They were not really very good cakes because she was never much of a hand at baking, but she made up for it with the icing.”
A part or region near the edge and away from the middle of something
“On either hand of the road we have the forest of lofty trees, their bases matted together by the Canes.”
A person's name written on a document to signify approval or comprehension
“Given under my hand and the seal of the court, on 19th November, 2003.”
One who follows the business of navigating ships or other vessels
The voluntary giving of alms or aid to those in need
One's circumstances, especially when it is out of one's control
Loud and enthusiastic approval
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The state of being a proprietor or having possession of something
The fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something
Each of the two upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand
A distribution of playing cards during a game
A particular manner or style of doing something
The side of a person's or animal's body between the ribs and the hip
The position or interests of one person or group, especially in opposition to others
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Something given to someone as a present or contribution
To pass or give by the hand or hands
“I was just about to bend over and pick it up when who should hand it to me but John himself.”
To dispense or distribute items or a resource
“At the end of a long line was Santa Claus, who would hand presents to the children after greeting them.”
To entrust someone or something to (another)
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“Nor do I intend to hand the will over to the court until the last possible moment.”
To hold the hand of (someone) in order to guide them in a specified direction
“He saw the gentleman hand the lady into the postchaise.”
Operated or done with one's hands
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