A common toast used when drinking in company
“Here's to the weekend. Cheers! There's a party at the bar, everybody put your glasses up, and I drink to that!”
Expressing good wishes on parting or ending a conversation
“Until next time, take of yourself, and each other. Cheers!”
Expressing gratitude or thanks to someone
“We appreciate all the support. Cheers!”
Expressing praise and approval
Exclamation expressing jubilation or approval, often accompanied by cheers or applause
Enthusiastic and public praise or approval
Plural for a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy
“Again, a loud cheer erupted from the crowd as the attention now turned to the two remaining chariots.”
Plural for a condition or state of happiness, cheerfulness or optimism
“It is at once an outlet for our feelings, and a source of cheer and hope.”
Plural for comfort received by, or provided to, a person, especially after a loss or disappointment
“During her sick days, I would call her, just hoping to provide her with some cheer.”
Plural for food and drink provided for a festive occasion
“If you partake of just a little too much Christmas cheer, you can enter the Children's Home Society footrace and burn some calories for a good cause.”
Plural for a temporary state of mind, feeling or emotion
“It was to be a rosy day, full of good cheer and bright optimism.”
A toast or invitation to drink by raising and draining one's glass completely
To give comfort or support to
“Derby had tried to cheer her with a few stories about his early days, thinking that a case of homesickness was easy to cure.”
To encourage or praise vocally
“As the Dolphin fans realized that the momentum was actually changing, they began to wildly cheer their team on.”
Related Words and Phrases