(of a colour or a person's complexion) Bright or healthy in appearance
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Pleasant and satisfactory, especially to the mind or senses
“The layout of the apartment was good, but the kitchen was too small.”
High in quality or standard
“More than anything, young Sami was known for his good skills and intelligent football mind.”
Full of virtue, having excellent moral character
“We seek to live a good and virtuous life according to the principle of karma.”
Competent or talented
“A good artist has the uncanny ability to transform his vision into a masterpiece.”
Useful or advantageous for a particular purpose
“These old computers are still good for our needs.”
Reliable and unfailing
“Your guilty conscience is a testament to your good virtue, of which you should be proud.”
A mood associated with celebration or festivities
“He was in a good enough mood to spend the entire weekend at his in-law's house.”
Kind in behavior or actions
“Historical accounts describe the young princess as exceedingly tall, thin, pock-marked, and plain, but with a good nature.”
State of being happy and contented
“I'm feeling pretty good about the results.”
Pleasing to taste
“If you have some rolls, a few salad leaves, and some extra ketchup, these patties can be transformed into good, old-fashioned burgers.”
Genuine, real or authentic
“The organizers claim they will follow traditional cooking methods that use good ingredients to prepare their dishes.”
Having good manners and conforming to standards of respectful behaviour
“His master and friends all said he was a good boy, and had never been known to have fits or walk in his sleep.”
Abundant or plentiful in amount
“The area has a good supply of rivers, varying in size, but none of them small.”
A state in which a body is sound and healthy
“His body was feeling good after the successful operation.”
Profound and deep
“The motivational speaker had a good effect on my well-being and state of mind.”
Trendy or fashionable
“He is the only one in jeans, a bobble hat, and a good but out-of-place leather jacket.”
The pleasantness of warm and sunny weather
“It was time to head to the beach with the return of good weather.”
Displaying logic and common sense
“She wasn't able to give me a good explanation for her behavior.”
Showing approval, appreciation or praise
“Overall, the critics gave the film good reviews.”
Exhibiting passion and enthusiasm
“This excellent series of biographies has shown that well-delivered narratives can attract a good readership.”
Recuperative or having the essence of healing
“After a false start, a carafe or two of water and a good snooze, I finally felt well enough to get out of bed.”
Appropriate or suitable in the circumstances
Unwavering in one's commitment
Of a satisfactory or acceptable quality
Very excellent in quality or standard
Accurate or correct in all details
Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
Conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being
Of good financial standing
In an undamaged state
Producing a surplus or profitable
Recognized as being reliable or accurate
(of one's senses) Sensitive or perceptive to changes
Excellent vantage point for observing events
Popular or in demand
Lively, attentive, and vibrant, like a fresh blooming peach
Wide-ranging or extensive in scope
Able or fit to be sold or marketed
That which saves or redeems something from an otherwise bad state or condition
(of prices) Low in comparison to market value
(of memory) Having a very good ability to recall
(of a colour or a person's complexion) Bright or healthy in appearance
Continuing as planned or expected, typically after a problem or distraction
A benefit, or advantage from something
“Every player in the team sacrificed personal glory for the good of the team.”
Morality, generally or collectively
“The apparent purpose was to allow the founding of intergovernmental organizations to uphold the good of nation states.”
Respect and honor
“Theirs was a glorious end, and they had died fighting for the good of their country.”
An elliptical exclamation of satisfaction or commendation
“What a good shot that was!”
An exclamation used to express agreement or compliance
“Good, I will come with you, and I will be safe, and I want you not to leave and stay with me.”
An exclamation of praise or endorsement of an achievement
In a way or manner that is permanent
“You simply dump depressive thoughts down onto a piece of paper, leaving it there good and forever on the page.”
(informal) In a manner that is satisfactory or accomplished
“He would show me how to do something until I had learned what I was doing and did it good.”
In a passable fashion, moderately
In a pleasant or attractive manner
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