(typically in plural form "feelings") Emotional sensitivities or well-being
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A strong emotion deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
“I was filled with a feeling of happiness when my father returned home.”
A sensation brought about by physical contact
“A churning feeling of pain shot through his legs as he tried to sit up.”
A belief based on observation or experience
“There is a general feeling among our members that consumers are not receptive to milk from cloned cows.”
A strong emotion of care or compassion
“Emma felt a rush of feeling for the poor child.”
A mood brought upon by one's surroundings
“Historical sites of revolutions are often imbued with a feeling of romantic mystique.”
An unsubstantiated or irrational emotional thought, often negative
“I have a bad feeling about this!”
An emotional sense of love or affection
“The feeling she experienced in his presence was overwhelming.”
(typically in plural form "feelings") Emotional sensitivities or well-being
“All personal feelings and opinions on this matter will be considered and respected.”
An innate understanding of or sensitivity to
“The singer has an even, rounded tone, an apposite feeling for ornament, and an ability to phrase with sprightly elegance.”
The sense of something, or giving the impression of something
“She was overcome by a feeling of nausea.”
An opinion
“My feeling is that his claim is true.”
An underlying feeling or trend, especially one that is contrary to the prevalent atmosphere
The character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture, or movement
The quality of evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
Ardor or zeal inspired by passion or enthusiasm
The feel or characteristics of a surface or object
Denotes an awareness to a fact or situation
A state of frenzied or excited emotion or activity
The mental characteristics or attitude of a person or group
A deceptive appearance or impression
The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action
The outward appearance or apparent form of something
A sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act
A sudden sharp feeling or pain
A state of being happy of cheerful
Having or showing emotional sensitivity
“She was a feeling child.”
Involving, or given to, open or heavy displays of emotion
Alive and experiencing sensation, thought, or feeling
Relating to, resulting from, or influenced by the emotions
Being easily influenced (especially of young people)
Communicating something that is not directly expressed
To examine through the sense of touch
“The customer began feeling the superior fabric of the dress.”
To be aware of through touching or being touched
“After feeling a tap on his shoulder, he realized it was his mother who had been looking for him all day.”
(general or positive) To experience an emotion or sensation
“The joy of having a loyal pet dog is something that everyone should be feeling in their lives.”
(negative) To experience an emotion or sensation
“I hope you never have to experience feeling the pain of having your heart broken.”
To move without the benefit of perfect vision
“With the power was cut off in the middle of the night, I was feeling my way towards the cabinet where the candles were.”
To touch with the purpose of ascertaining the degree of something
“I took the cake out of the oven and tried feeling it to see if it was fully cooked.”
To hold an opinion
“I started feeling that the president should not be spending so much time on social media.”
(with clause) To believe without reason
“I am feeling that this earth might actually be flat.”
To outwardly look or be perceived as
“The naughty kid told us to skip class and it was feeling like a good idea at the time.”
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