A feeling of great or intense anger
“I turned away and went back to the fence, feeling a rage and a hatred against the world that I had not known possible.”
An intense fit or episode of expressed anger
“He now grasped the fact that they wanted to make him fly into a rage for their especial amusement, and resolved for that very reason not to fly into a rage at all.”
A state of frenzied or excited emotion or activity
“The women then set upon Orpheus in a crazed rage.”
A fashion or fad, current or for a given period
“I went to an all-girls school, and when everyone was sitting around talking about Leonardo DiCaprio or whoever was the rage back then.”
A prevalent passion or desire for something
“Such visions of a quaint urban idyll feed into the current rage for all things local.”
A mental disorder or the state of being mentally ill
“A patient suffering from rage may appear perfectly reasonable in the interval between one fit and the next.”
A state of frenzied or excited emotion or activity
A lively party involving dancing and drinking
Angry speech, typically loud and impassioned in nature
To feel or express violent uncontrollable anger
“Decades later, he would rage at friends who were so disloyal as to speak to her civilly.”
To complain or protest vehemently against
“All this filled some of the people with earnest thoughts, but others remained hardened and continue to rage against the truth.”
To act or move with great force or intensity
“The storms of the Northern Hemisphere winter continue to rage outside.”
To complain, especially emotionally and at length
To move quickly
To burn fiercely or brightly
Feeling upset, annoyed or angry
Related Words and Phrases