Any slender, pointed object resembling a needle
“Hartwig instantly felt a stinging sensation and, looking down, observed a needle protruding from the area of the trash bag that contacted her leg.”
A thin pointer on a dial, compass, or other instrument
“This is baffling to a pilot who is endeavoring to turn on to a new course by watching the compass needle and is unaware of its peculiarities.”
A stylus used to play records
“As the shot is made, the effects man, who has in front of him a copy of the cable message, drops the needle on an effects record.”
A device used for injecting or drawing fluids
“On pricking the left arm with a needle, no pain was complained of, and no reflex movements were excited.”
A small pointed turret built as an ornament on a roof
Hostile or unfriendly disposition
A flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like
A high, pointed piece of rock
An insect of the suborder Epiprocta or, more strictly, the infraorder Anisoptera
A long and pointed piece of wood or metal
An incentive to get something done
An adult leaf of an adult pine tree
An instance of injecting or being injected with a needle
To pierce with a needle
“The eyes were once more beginning to show the old nystagmus, so I decided to needle the cataracts.”
To taunt or annoy someone
“If that happened, they would needle him until hell froze over trying to get him to tell them what was going on.”
To mock or make fun of
“Julia could criticize his lifestyle, his taste, and his lowbrow behavior, but she could no longer needle him about his lack of success.”
To nag or scold, especially persistently
“He wore his religion lightly, but he never ceased to needle me about my own skeptical ways.”
To incite or instigate someone into doing something
“I had trouble suppressing my amusement even knowing that Sebastian wanted to needle me into an unguarded response.”
(British, informal) To harass or torment someone, typically subtly and repeatedly
To pierce and make a hole or holes in
To make an inquiry
Related Words and Phrases