A person who lacks sense or judgment
“I was such a fool for believing that you could change all the ways you've been living, but you just couldn't stop.”
A person with a disordered mental state, or seemingly so
“I heard the word dude and I became unglued. Slowly, I turned, step by step, inch by inch, into a crazed fool.”
A jester or clown, especially one retained in a royal or noble household
“That one was TulchaĂne, the royal fool of the king of Temuir, Conare's trickster, a man of great power.”
A person who is made to appear ridiculous
“She'd felt like an absolute fool for trusting the charlatan so blindly in the first place.”
Someone with a strong affinity for something
“Being the fool for sushi that I am, I went heavily in that direction, and it worked quite well with the bubblies.”
A foolish or conceited person
To deceive or fool someone
“By amplifying radio signals, they would fool planes into unknowingly dropping their bombs in the safety of the open countryside.”
To make jokes, especially for purposes of teasing someone
“The little boy would always fool with the villagers by crying wolf until nobody believed him any longer.”
To fiddle, tamper or play with something
“I'll fool with the keys in my pocket, adjust my glasses, and make a lot of noise with change.”
(fool around) To engage in amorous activity
“I would do anything for love, but I won't fool around. No, I won't do that.”
To pretend or make a show of
To act or behave flirtatiously
To engage in an activity for enjoyment and recreation
Displaying a lack of sensibleness or judgment
“It quickly occurred to me that leaving without my umbrella was a fool thing to do in this nasty weather.”
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