(of a hope or belief) Foolishly optimistic
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Devoid of content
“I opened the box, only to find that it was empty.”
Empty or not occupied
“A plague sweeps through the village, leaving the few survivors left with an empty town.”
Lacking in meaning
“Tracy jumped into a fast car and headed towards the city lights hoping to escape her uneventful, dull, and empty life.”
Lacking in substance
“His empty threats would prove to be tiresome, almost laughable, after some time.”
Cold and not feeling or showing any emotion
“Sandor Clegane was content to give Arya an empty look whenever she asked him a question.”
Feeling hungry
“As the meeting wore on, we started to feel a little empty.”
(of a landscape) Desolate and barren
Lacking sense, meaning, or purpose
Without any grounds to support it
Not of real significance
(of a hope or belief) Foolishly optimistic
Silly, especially in a childish way
Boring or severely lacking in interest
Deprived of, or lacking in, something that is expected or needed
Not paying attention to what is being said or done
Using or expressed in many words, especially words that sound impressive but mean little
Rendered void or depleted, typically referring to a collapse, flattening, or puncturing
Exhausted or in need of rest or sleep
(of farmland) Plowed and harrowed, but left for a period without being sown
Lacking in enthusiasm
Having no semantic content
Mechanical or customary without real meaning or effort
Common or lacking interesting features or characteristics
(of something inflated) Having lost some or all of its air, typically because of a puncture
Not filled, unfilled, unimbued, or unimpregnated
Being fully accessible and obtainable with little regard to restrictions
Without hope or prospect of completion, success, or survival
To cause to be empty or vacant
“Empty the packet of sugar into the mason jar.”
To disburden or free oneself of someone or something that is unwanted
To contract, or cause to contract, by removing air from
To emit or spurt out
To purge a soluble matter out of something by the action of a percolating fluid
To drink, especially alcohol
To pour from, or as from, a container, especially by accident
To make excessive demands on
To take or let out the bowels or interior parts of
To make (a hole or channel) by digging
To cause people to leave a building or place
To expel or send away, especially permanently
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