Currently exercising authority, control or influence
“The rebels then devised ideological weapons to be used to embarrass the ruling oligarchy.”
Being the most principal, important or significant element or person
“The ruling element of Scottish civilization has always been the religious one.”
Accepted, used or practiced by most people
“Adolph was diametrically opposed to the ruling opinion on economic matters.”
Of, or belonging to, the monarchy or royalty
“The ruling class of the country consisted of the monarchy and members of the royal family.”
Of, pertaining to, or in the capacity of a supervisor
Having special rights, advantages, or immunities
Existing or in progress
An authoritative decision or pronouncement, such as one made by a judge
“And the bottom line came in the final ruling by the judge, who found enough evidence to bind Eric and Nanette over for trial.”
An official order or decree issued by a person in authority
“He acceded to the king's ruling that such important cases between lords must be heard at places and times fixed by the judges.”
A set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure
The responsibility for and control of a company or organization
Present participle for to govern or rule over
“Although Polyneices is next in line to rule Thebes, Eteocles claims the throne for himself.”
Present participle for to restrain or have control over
“We cannot allow fear to rule our lives.”
Present participle for to be in power
“Mary Tudor, the first queen regnant of England, would rule from 1553 until her death in 1558.”
Present participle for to pronounce authoritatively and legally to be the case
“Contrary to submissions made by the plaintiff, I rule that the defendants are parties to the action.”
Present participle for to be a dominant or powerful factor
“Pete Sampras would rule as the premier tennis player of the 90s.”
Present participle for to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level
“If you cannot rule your emotions, your emotions will rule you.”
Present participle for to rule over or control arbitrarily or arrogantly
Present participle for to stipulate action to be taken as an order or instruction
Present participle for to instruct or order (someone) to do something
Present participle for to enact or establish legally or legislatively
Present participle for to control or determine the process or direction of
Present participle for to be very successful or triumphant at a task or endeavor
Present participle for to put down or control by cruelty or force
Present participle for to draw a line underneath something, especially to add emphasis
Present participle for to reach a decision or recommendation
Present participle for to emphasize, stress, or indicate the importance of
Present participle for to reach a decision or recommendation
Present participle for to remain valid or unaltered
Present participle for to protect or shield from harm or danger
Present participle for to overcome or defeat
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