(usually in plural from "effects") Personal belongings
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Generic appellation for an object
“What is that thing you're wearing?”
A action or task to be performed
“There is just one last thing I need to finish today.”
A distinguishing characteristic
“The one thing you have in your favor is your confidence.”
Something that occupies one's mind
“I've only got one thing on my mind right now.”
An inherent fear or dislike of something
“Due to a bad childhood experience, she now had a thing about spiders.”
A subject referred to in speech or writing
“This thing I am talking about is of utmost importance.”
An event or occurrence
“An amazing thing happened yesterday.”
A fetish or obsession towards someone or something
“He has a thing for girls with freckles.”
One's special interest or inclination
“You can stream the movie over the internet instead of watching it in the cinema if that's your thing.”
(informal) A special skill or talent
“From a young age, it was clear that math was his thing.”
A remark or statement made
“Do you remember the thing he said about his mother?”
(informal) A playful reference to a person
“Are you feeling sick today, you poor thing?”
Something that is currently fashionable
“Jumpsuit pants were briefly the thing in the early nineties.”
(informal) A romantic or flirtatious relationship
“The two of them were secretly having a thing.”
(informal) A point or fact about something
“Look, here's the thing. You're absolutely wrong about everything!”
(informal) What's needed or required
“I have just the thing for your sore back.”
Something made, achieved or produced through effort
“The advanced humanoid robotic head was the latest thing created by the tech company.”
A job or profession
An area of special expertise or responsibility
A being or entity that exists independently
(usually in plural from "effects") Personal belongings
A hobby or activity that serves to make time pass agreeably
The object or goal of something
One of the substances present in a mixture, especially food
A short-term intimate encounter, typically lasting no more than once or one night
Customary or habitual usage
An eccentricity in a person or thing's character or behavior
An affair between a married person and a person who is not their spouse
An extra decorative feature or embellishment
An entry in an account
That which has been chosen, or can potentially be chosen, among a variety of choices
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