Consisting of matter all through
“This process would produce a substance that remained liquid when hot, and solid when cooled.”
Without breaks, gaps or interruptions
“There was a long, solid line of people queuing up to buy tickets.”
Consisting of the same substance throughout
“On her index finger was a ring of solid gold that was gifted to her from her grandmother.”
Based on, or displaying, common sense
“He has come up with a solid theory as to how the events transpired as they did.”
Of, characterized by, or consisting of (incontrovertible) facts
“Even solid evidence will not be sufficient to change the minds of the brainwashed.”
Able to be depended or relied on
“We have had a solid and mutually beneficial partnership for many years.”
Upstanding, especially law-abiding
“The success of our nation has been built on the backs of our solid citizens.”
Firm, strong, or substantial
“The business was built on a solid foundation of market research and prudent financial investment.”
Having a strength of will or determination
“With faith and perseverance and a solid determination to make adjustments in our thinking, peace and contentment will prevail.”
Unanimous or undivided
“The party is hoping to rely on a solid bedrock of support from a decent percentage of the electorate.”
Of good financial standing
“Sales are up, and our financials are looking solid.”
Having only one color
“Keltie wore a black and white polka-dot skirt with a solid black lace top at the awards ceremony.”
Physically strong or muscular
Short and thickset in stature or build
Free or safe from injury or violation
Containing the maximum possible amount of that which can fit in the space available
Significant in amount, level or degree
Possible to be treated as fact
Denotes a constructive or productive feeling
Stubbornly, and usually unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
Having no conditions or limitations
Having or appearing to have length, breadth, and depth
Accurate or correct in all details
Always successful, not likely to fail
(typography) Of a kind of typeface having dark, heavy strokes, used especially for emphasis
Suitable or moderately good
Reliable and unfailing
Deserving of the highest esteem or admiration
Very impressive or high in quality or standard
Coming together to form a single unit
Done with or showing thought and attention
Worthy of being remarked or noticed
Made up of or involving all of something, including every detail, part, or aspect
(of a liquid) Having turned into ice as a result of extreme cold
Harsh or severe in nature
Fenced or secured with bars
Laid with a hard and solid material like stones
Involving or characterized by scholarship