Only a short distance away or apart in space or time
“Wales may be a near neighbor, but it has traits and trends that set it well apart from Ireland and neighboring England.”
Imminent, only a short time ahead
“These proposals were made and are expected to be carried out in the near future.”
Closely acquainted or related
“Several of our friends came to see us, particularly a young woman with whom I had before a near acquaintance.”
Having a close family connection
“The marquess of Louthian, a near relation of the duke of Argyles, is to have the regiment of foot guards in Scotland.”
Being the closer of two
“With or without instruments, we, here on Earth, see only the near side of the Moon.”
Close to being (the thing mentioned)
“A family connection is said to be a near guarantee of winning public office.”
Closely resembling an object that is modeled or imitated
“The cartographic problem is partially solved by the ability to create a near replica of the landscape through computer-generated surfaces.”
(dated, rare) Sparing in the expenditure of money
“He's so near, it's partly a wonder how he lives at all.”
Equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.
Denotes being at or within a specified space or place
Inexact, though mostly correct or accurate
Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition
Fated or inevitable (that something happens or is the case)
Restricted or low in size or space
(of a game or contest) With evenly matched competitors (as per the score or result)
Resembling or having a likeness to something
(similar to) Denoting a resemblance when comparing one to another
Partial or divided into parts
At or to a short distance away from (a place)
“He lived near to the University I attended, so we planned that I would stop by one afternoon when I had a break at school.”
Close to in level, degree, quantity or time
“That is near the limit of what the sensors can do at this speed.”
Close to, or similar, in nature or manner
“They are hoping that the young prodigy's talent is near that of his legendary father.”
Situated beside or alongside something (or someone) else
Following in order or importance
Approximately or around the time of
In the direction of
For all of, or at any time within, a given time interval
At or to a place or time not far away
“He would come often and stand near, giving a running commentary on the different stages of the whole process.”
Very close to in amount, degree or quantity, but not quite
“Brains holistically synthesize visual sensory stimuli to provide us with a near instant facial recognition of those around us.”
Roughly or approximately close to in quantity, amount or degree
“It takes near an hour to walk to the bluff, where the sight of the surf raises hairs on the back of my neck.”
Close or to this place
In close proximity to
To approach or come near to (physically or numerically)
“As you begin to near the quayside, you should begin to slow the towing boat until it comes to a full stop.”
To lie ahead of, or be in store for
To be, or seem to be, equal or comparable to
Related Words and Phrases