To have understood or accepted the validity of
Past tense for to involve or have something to do with
“What am I angry about right now, and how does this relate to the past?”
Past tense for to sympathize or empathize with someone or their situation
“I could relate to his pain and wanted, with all my heart, to stop his pain.”
Past tense for to be in mental or emotional harmony with (another person)
Past tense for to feel about or regard something
Past tense for to have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another
Past tense for to associate in the mind
Past tense for to understand, connect with, or empathize with someone
(center on) Past tense for to concentrate on (something), to pay close attention to (something)
Past tense for to feel or express sympathy for (someone's suffering or difficulty)
Past tense for to give information to (someone)
Past tense for to be controlled or determined by
(similar to) Denoting a resemblance when comparing one to another
Attached or related to something or someone
Having a relation to something
(dependent on/upon) Contingent on or determined by
Pertaining to