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What is another word for realised?

Need synonyms for realised? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Having been accomplished or fulfilled
“I concede the idealist's right to apply any term he chooses to his unrealized dream but not to deny the same right to the realist to apply any term he chooses to his realized accomplishment.”
Having been attained or earned, especially through effort
“For years, he may continue to delight the public with his unrivaled powers of acting and will, in all probability, add many thousands to his realized fortune.”
Visually seen or noticed
Generally approved, believed, or acknowledged
To have come upon after searching, study, or effort
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To have carried out an action to the end
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To have accepted or received, typically something awarded
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“The option's cost, known as a premium, reduces any profit you realize on the stock.”
To have been creative or imaginative
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To have produced or brought about
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To have understood through experience
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Past tense for to become aware or come to a realization of
“It's an unsettling fact that makes you realize that this issue has been going on far longer than we know.”
Past tense for to produce a complete work from an idea or draft
“His desire to realize Henry VIII's plan to subdue French influence in Scotland and achieve the union of the Crowns became an obsession.”
Past tense for to convert into cash
“The receivers proceeded to realize the assets charged by the fixed and floating charges created by the debentures.”
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