Advised or suggested as good or suitable
“They were lower than the recommended advisory goals by the National Health and Medical Research Council.”
Worthy of being recommended
Having been recommended or approved, typically by an authority
Better than some other option
Officially compulsory, or otherwise considered essential
Specially chosen as the best or most desirable
Submitted for consideration or approval
Fixed or arranged in advance
Highlighted for special attention or treatment
Improved in quality, accuracy or performance
Past tense for to advise as the best course or choice
“I am able to recommend several good restaurants in the area.”
Past tense for to advise or suggest (something) as a course of action
“We strongly recommend that you eat a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise.”
Past tense for to commit, confide to another's care, confidence or acceptance, with favoring representations
“Serious gastronomes should fully recommend their tastebuds to the skilled master chef.”
Past tense for to make attractive or advisable
“It was his enthusiasm that would recommend him to the archbishop.”
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