In urgent need of immediate attention
“There is a crying need for more mechanics, plumbers, and carpenters in this country.”
In tears
“The series' last image is that of the crying statue of Caesar.”
Significant in the degree of awfulness
“We're all messed up, washed up, out of luck. It's a shame. Oh, it's a crying shame.”
Conspicuously or obviously bad, wrong or offensive
Incapable of being satisfied or appeased
Apt to be irritable or fractious
Persistent or aggressive in one's demands or requests
An act of crying or lamentation
“What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the crying of their women.”
An audible voice or sound of, or similar to, someone crying
“He listened, and was sure he heard the crying of a very old woman and the noise of the tramping of human feet.”
A loud cry expressing strong emotion or calling for attention
Present participle for to shed tears, especially from being emotional
“I began to cry when I lost my way in the busy city, and a kind stranger would proceed to give me some directions.”
Present participle for to shout or scream, typically to express negative emotions
“He would cry out in anguish when he realized that he had failed to win the lottery yet again.”
Present participle for to announce or advertise, usually loudly
“In the street below, peddlers would routinely cry their wares.”
Present participle for to beg or plead for something desperately
“She was stuck in the mud and had to cry for help.”
Related Words and Phrases