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What is another word for reprobate?

Need synonyms for reprobate? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Morally degenerate or unprincipled
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“It is the internal flaws that each individual carries that result in their reprobate behavior.”
Having or showing no moral principles
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Deserving of contempt or disgust, especially due to being immoral
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Stubbornly, and usually unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
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An unprincipled person
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“Before twenty-four hours had passed over his duel with Lord Monteagle, he found himself branded by every journal in London as an unprincipled reprobate.”
A licentious or dissolute person
A lecherous person with immoral desires or cravings
One that has been excluded from a society or system, a pariah
To criticize or express strong disapproval of
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“While we reprobate this evil, let us feel and act kindly toward those who are infected by it.”
To scold or berate someone
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“Heads of families will reprobate him for seeking private interviews with the young lady in direct contempt of her father's commands.”
To refuse or be unwilling to allow or grant
“If I were to take Cordelia with me, you'd reprobate the request?”
To refuse or be unwilling to accept or do something
“The man in perfect health would reprobate the proposal of any person's giving medicine to him.”
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