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What is another word for profligate?

Need synonyms for profligate? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

Shamelessly immoral or degenerate
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“The deplorable effect of this policy was soon evinced by the profligate immorality which was rapidly spreading among the ablest and most accomplished young men.”
Characterized by a lack of restraint
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“Saud had disbursed oil revenues with profligate abandon, often with worthy but unrealistic intentions.”
Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources
“The all-glass facade, once regarded as synonymous with the profligate use of energy, is now seen as the best hope.”
Crude and offensive in a salacious way
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Unreasonable or inappropriate in magnitude
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Using or expending without restraint
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Incapable of, or indisposed to, quick and effective action
A licentious, dissolute person
“It is infinitely more humiliating and degrading to be compelled to receive it side by side with the bloated inebriate, or the foul and debauched profligate.”
A person who spends money in an extravagant, irresponsible way
“Should not those on the same income who can live more frugally pay less tax than the profligate?”
An unprincipled person
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A female considered promiscuous or sexually open
(dated) To overcome or drive away
“Such a stipulation would remove one powerful temptation to profligate pennyless seducers, of whom there are too many prowling in the higher circles.”
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