Dependent or contingent on something happening or being the case
“The availability of this position is subject to budgetary approval.”
Answerable to, or at the mercy of someone or something
“We wish them good luck, implying that their fate is not under their control and that they are subject to the whims of the world.”
Disposed or susceptible to something (typically undesirable)
“Even though dried fruits contain 15 to 25 percent moisture, they are subject to deterioration at high temperatures.”
Having reliance on somebody or something
(sensitive to) Quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences
Subject to certain conditions
To expose to, or cause to experience
“If I had known that hiring him would subject me to his unending angst and anger, I'd have left him in jail.”
To issue, establish or apply as a charge, fine or penalty
To place in danger or jeopardy
Governed, controlled or managed by
Only if (the stipulation that follows is true)