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What is another word for roundly?

Need synonyms for roundly? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

To a full, complete, or very great extent
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“The original script of the film had been roundly rejected.”
Thoroughly, or in great detail
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“The Case for Animal Rights has been roundly reviewed in many journals.”
In a forceful or powerful manner
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“Sakharov immediately proceeded to roundly criticize the leaders for their continuation of the war.”
In a blunt or forthright manner
“The first broadcast was roundly panned by critics.”
With vehemence or bitterness
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“Yet most people in the community would roundly condemn Bob for his cruelty and callousness.”
In general, for the most part
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Almost to the same level, amount or degree
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Adverb for having a circular or cylindrical shape
“It is a town with an impressive heritage, consisting of an ancient church, a round tower, and a large enclosed medieval castle.”
Adverb for having a surfeit of body fat
“Richard Greene, a short, rather round man with thinning dirty-blonde hair, chuckled.”
Adverb for characterized by fullness, clarity, strength, and smoothness of sound
“The amalgamation of the round tones of one set of strings, with the crisp metallic tones of the other, produces an effect of a peculiarly pleasing character.”
Adverb for having an edge that is not sharp
“The old blade was now round and blunted with age.”
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