Intensely, typically to the point where one is blinded by passion or emotion
“The team's fanatical supporters cheered them on to victory.”
Adverb for obsessively passionate about or devoted to something
“I used to be totally fanatical about dates, but then I've slowly gone off those and now I just eat raisins and prunes.”
Adverb for filled with excessive and single-minded zeal for a particular viewpoint or ideology
“This demonstrates the fanatical rantings by the zealots who control the information presented for political purposes.”
Adverb for characterized by wild or emotional energy
“This was a man with a fanatical determination to destroy the existing state and establish an iron dictatorship.”
Adverb for having or demonstrating an unwavering devotion toward someone or something
Adverb for resolute and steadfast in one's will or ambition
Adverb for excessive, as results from obsession
Adverb for very opinionated in laying down one's dogmas or beliefs
Adverb for unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention
Adverb for intolerant, forming opinions based on one's prejudices
Adverb for very severe or serious
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