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What is another word for direly?

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Adverb for causing or inspiring fear, dread or alarm
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“What did it matter if the same messenger bore dire news of lords slaughtered in far places, of the troops of the Wolf Lord Raj Ahten striking all through the kingdoms of Rofehavan?”
Adverb for bodeful of bad or unfortunate consequences
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“The State Department has issued dire warnings with threats of tens of thousands of dollars in fines.”
Adverb for having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
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“A sense of normality had swiftly replaced the dire atmosphere of fear.”
Adverb for causing or imposing emotional, and sometimes physical, distress
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“We were forced to share in the sorrow and grief of our comrades as they received an unexpected visit from their family with the dire news of a father or a brother killed in action.”
Adverb for dangerous, or potentially destructive
“At this point, Ogorzow was physically reacting to the dire situation he was in.”
Adverb for very unpleasant or revolting
“The rivers' water quality began to deteriorate, showing the first signals of sufferance such as dire odors and fish death.”
Adverb for disturbing in nature, especially due to references to death or dying
“Petallia held up a big ochre towel to screen her eyes from the dire sight of exposed flesh.”
Adverb for in urgent need of immediate attention
“This has been a dire issue since the beginning of human civilization, and if unaddressed, the world may come to a drastic end.”
Adverb for lamentably bad or poor in quality
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“Both roofs have now been removed and repairs attempted by the same company, but the damage and dire workmanship remain.”
Adverb for severe or intense, especially in a painful or unpleasant way
Adverb for very severe or serious
Adverb for denoting a high degree of seriousness
Adverb for at the point of death
Adverb for strict or exacting in standards
Adverb for persistent in one's endeavors
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