Done with meticulousness and extreme attention to detail
In a focused or absorbed manner
Adverb for rich and potent from having a high concentration of a substance or element
“Traditional drinkers prepare a concentrated brew of tea in a small teapot.”
Adverb for thickened by heating to reduce the water content
“Maple syrup, the boiled and concentrated sap of sugar maples was another temperate sugar source that supplemented imported sugar.”
Adverb for in a pure and unadulterated form
“This antitoxin is refined and concentrated, the antitoxic properties being retained in very small bulk.”
Adverb for devoted completely to one object or objective
“The deliberate and concentrated focus on powerful thoughts changes our posture, behavior, emotions, and esteem.”
Adverb for significant or extreme in degree or intensity
“Every sentence in this scene throbs with such concentrated passion that one can hardly criticize it coldly.”
Adverb for consisting of matter all through
Adverb for having been shortened or abridged
Adverb for having a dense or semi-solid consistency
Adverb for of, relating to, or done by collaboration
Adverb for made up of a large number of things or people close together
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