In an abominable manner
“Many of these residents have complained to me about the foul taste and murky color of their tap water.”
In a fraudulent, illegal or underhanded manner
“King Hamlet's tormented spirit reveals that a hidden crime of foul murder condemns it to walk the earth and roast in hell.”
Adverb for containing or full of noxious matter
“Alicia breathed in the foul air of the bar, thankful that the smell of cigarettes wasn't as potent today.”
Adverb for hostile or disagreeable in mood or manner
“But sometimes he'd be in a foul mood, telling people off and humiliating them in front of their co-workers.”
Adverb for obscene or indecent in a way that is unacceptable in polite society
“With that, he began to curse and employ such foul language that I became frightened and actually feared for my life.”
Adverb for characterized by misery or gloom
“The rest, however, bore their swords and their allegiance to the king of France, and spread throughout the country the foul news of Arthur's murder.”
Adverb for characterized by windy or stormy conditions
“The foul weather has kept residents indoors for most of the day.”
Adverb for inhumanly or outrageously evil or immorally wrong
Adverb for not characterized by or conducive to physical health or well-being
Adverb for mistaken, faulty, or in error
Adverb for ill-mannered in nature
Adverb for having a gruff or rude manner or character
Adverb for muggy, stuffy, with bad ventilation
Related Words and Phrases