In a prompt manner
“I look forward to a rapid and responsive reply to my letter.”
Adverb for able, or quick to, react or respond
“Finally, the researchers have developed new, highly responsive pressure sensors.”
Adverb for willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas
“Now, of course, not all students are so responsive, nor are results achieved overnight.”
Adverb for loving and affectionate towards (someone) in a close relationship
Adverb for easily influenced or directed
Adverb for having or showing keenness of perception
Adverb for tolerant of, or open to, new or opposing viewpoints
Adverb for full of, or evocative of, expression or emotion
Adverb for showing admiration or approval
Adverb for loudly cheerful, enthusiastic or approbatory
Adverb for given to open displays of emotion
Adverb for congenial, like-minded, or free from disagreement or dissent
Adverb for marked by curiosity or fascination
Adverb for involving, or given to, open or heavy displays of emotion
Adverb for of or caused by a reflex
Adverb for exhibiting high efficiency and effectiveness in achieving successful results
Adverb for responding to or acting to counteract something when it happens (rather than beforehand)
Adverb for sensitive to being affected by something
Adverb for easily movable, responsive, and handleable
Adverb for highly sensitive to provocation
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