In a way that demonstrates individual creativity
“The strongest photographs in the show have a mysterious, iconic power that seems to unite a difficult present and a visionary future.”
Adverb for having knowledge or awareness of future events
“Such a system cultivates accurate and timely information that fosters more effective and visionary decision-making.”
Adverb for given to having mystical or prophetic visions
“A majority of narratives about visionary experiences are based on the sudden and spontaneous arising, either in sleep or while awake, of very intense, vivid visionary dreams.”
Adverb for existing only in the realms of one's imagination
“Famous for his unique style in creating visionary worlds with a philosophical bent, Oshii has truly changed the way audiences look at animation and the cinematic medium.”
Adverb for idealistic or romantic in one's perception of something
“This produces an innate tendency towards approval of visionary, yet impractical, solutions to such social problems.”
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