Shielded or protected from attack or damage
“There was plenty she had seen and heard, but all from the safe and filtered distance of the protected castle.”
In danger, or at risk, or extinction
“Because the cockatoo is a protected species in every state it inhabits, adult cockatoos cannot be harvested to enjoy as household pets.”
Intended to be kept secret or private
In a state of comfort and relaxation
Regarded as too important or holy to be changed or interfered with
Dwelling or raised in, or as if in, cloisters
Not hurt or damaged in any way
Immune or not susceptible to being affected by something
Created or manufactured exclusively by the owner of intellectual property rights
Equipped with weapons for protection or an attack
Legitimate as recognized by law
Capable of withstanding great physical force
Situated in or full of shade
Having an outcome which is promised or assured (by someone)
Not subject to legal discovery due to a protected status
Coated, covered, or protected to prevent sticking, adhering, or clinging
Encased or covered in a wrapping
Covered or adorned on the surface or interior with a material, often serving to protect or enhance
One who is being protected
Past tense for to keep from harm, or to ensure the safety of
“Let us teach you the best tips to protect your affiliate links from unscrupulous affiliates and customers.”
Related Words and Phrases