(alive with) Swarming or teeming with
“The old, abandoned house was infested with rats, scurrying through every corner.”
Infectious, filthy, or teeming with parasites
“The abandoned house was infested with rats, fleas, and cockroaches, making it uninhabitable.”
Teeming or filled with people, animals or things
“The bustling city streets were infested with tourists, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere.”
Of or pertaining to a lack of sanitation
Riddled with holes or infestation
Having a bad or unpleasant odor
Filled with pus
Past tense for to inhabit a place in unpleasantly large numbers
“These bugs may infest your bathroom, and jump out of unexpected corners of the closet, but they adhere to the policy of non-violence.”
Past tense for to be a regular patron or visitor of
Past tense for to exist in abundance
Past tense for to tarnish or dirty with contaminants or something undesirable
Past tense for to affect (a person, organism, etc.) with a disease-causing organism
Past tense for to inhabit, or visit frequently (typically used in reference to ghosts)
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