The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual or group
“Charm, warmth, and sincerity are just some of the traits found in the character of our people.”
A person's good reputation
“These scoundrels are attacking the character of a man whose comportment has been nothing short of exemplary.”
A symbol representing a letter or number
“Lara noticed that the door to the tomb was marked with a strange character.”
A person in a novel, play, or film
“It's really hard to make a character so devoid of morals to be so watchable and likable.”
Integrity in a person's nature
“They valued having a strong character as being far more important than success.”
Courage in a person's nature
“Finn showed great character in attempting to sacrifice himself to destroy the siege cannon before Rose ruined everything.”
A human being in the general sense
“Her new manager was a rather eccentric character.”
An unusual or amusing person
“He may have been quite a character, but that was part of his appeal.”
A quality that appeals in someone or something
“He had a unique character that would draw people to him.”
A funny person, typically an entertainer
The feel or characteristics of a surface or object
A person of a particular kind, especially one who is important or distinctive in some way
A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television
A very important, influential or impressive person
The main figure in a story, situation or context
One's position in relation to their circumstances
A formal statement testifying to someone's character and qualifications
A picture that represents a word or an idea
Deep awareness of the suffering of another, usually coupled with the wish to relieve it
A person who is outgoing and sociable
Something or someone strange or unusual that is an object of interest
An aura of heightened interest, meaning or mystery surrounding a person or thing
Graphical character used to connect or combine words, phrases, or concepts
A composed or serious manner or style
A natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking
Principles or standards of behavior
The source of human emotions
A person unlike most others
An individual of exemplary character, integrity, and kindness
The faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action
To precisely state or describe the nature, scope, or meaning of
“I would character them as a militant faction.”
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