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What is another word for independence?

Need synonyms for independence? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

The state or fact of being free and liberated
“Before that, Czechs had struggled for independence from the shackles of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.”
The fact or state of having autonomy or sovereignty
“Although the nation's independence was never at stake, there is no denying that this inconclusive war shaped the future of the young republic in a host of ways.”
The state or quality of self-sufficient
“He lives somewhere between the dependence of a child and the independence of a mature adult.”
The fact or state of being impartial or unbiased
“The challenge is to institute proper protections against influences flowing through these connecting links that may interfere with the judge's independence in performing adjudicative functions.”
The state or fact of being unconventional or unique in one's manner or thought
“Russell embraces his independence in thought as he watches reality roll along on its relentless way toward his and our destruction.”
A varying degree or amount of freedom or flexibility
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The power to act without the constraint of necessity or fate
The state or condition of being a woman
A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups
A moral or legal entitlement to have or do something
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