An order to appear before a judge or magistrate, or the writ containing such an order
“The plaintiff moves on a summons dated 20 July 2005 seeking an order that that application be removed into the Full Court of the High Court.”
A call or an order to attend a specified place at a specified time
“I just received a summons to appear in court next week for jury duty.”
An official accusation for a criminal offense, or the process by which it is brought to a jury
A written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something
The quality or condition of being indocile
An official order laying claim to the use of property or materials
A message transmitted by telegraph
Court order authorizing search
Ticket issued by the police for speeding
An act of summoning or evoking
A legal or formal notification of something
A challenge, especially to prove one's courage
The action or fact of calling someone or something back
To serve (someone) with a summons
“The lawyer served his client with a summons to appear in court.”
To accuse of wrongdoing or a crime in a court of law
To sue or bring action against in court
To invite someone to engage in a contest
To order (someone) to be present or to go to a given location
“He rang the nearest bell to summon his butler, James, the source of all knowledge.”
To authoritatively call on (someone) to be present as a defendant or witness in a law court
“Ordinarily, a Magistrate is bound to summon witnesses cited by a person committed for trial to the Court of Session.”
To call for a meeting or gathering of people
“Megavett would appreciate it if their ship's captain could summon a meeting between our two seniormost staff.”
To give an order or command to someone
“He was a musician so skilled that a king would summon him to play because his music would drive away the king's depression when nothing else helped.”
To ask or make a request for (something)
“He now had the opportunity to summon support for his application from those with whom he had been working.”
To make an effort to produce (a particular quality or reaction) from within oneself
“That's a perspective Bell might not have been able to summon five years ago.”
To evoke or call an image or memory to mind
“The Kammerspiele's spectators watching Der Sturm might thus summon their memories of other great productions staged in this venue.”
To conjure or cause to appear by summoning or calling upon
“Those who would expel the spirits of evil must summon the spirits of the five elements.”
To summon or signal (to someone or a vehicle)
To sound a horn, siren, or steam whistle
To remember or bring back to mind
To invite someone somewhere
To urge someone to do something
To issue, establish or apply as a fee, charge, fine or penalty
To initiate legal action against someone
Related Words and Phrases