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What is another word for peeps?

Need synonyms for peeps? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

To look quickly or furtively at something
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“Despite his obvious contempt for anything celestial, I continued to peep discreetly into the astrology columns of newspapers and magazines.”
To appear gradually or partially into view
“Rays of golden sunlight peep out from around the edges of curtained windows.”
To make a brief, high-pitched sound
“As Diana saves him, Superman's communicator-turned cellular phone begins to peep by the grace of God.”
To sound a horn, siren, or steam whistle
To investigate or snoop around in someone else's business
To investigate or meddle in a matter, especially the private affairs of others
To make a high-pitched, short, and somewhat sharp sound
To make a long, high-pitched cry or noise
The call uttered by animals or insects
“The music ran out, and, for an instant, all was calm and silent in the apartment except for a hint of cheeping, like a bird's peep.”
People or mankind in general
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Plural for a quick or furtive look
“A look at these beautiful products gives one an impressive peep into the artistic abilities of the strife-torn region.”
Plural for any (slight) sound or utterance
“The team began to worry when there was not a peep heard from Richard Hendricks while he worked on the implementation of the jerk algorithm.”
Plural for a complaint or objection
“There was not a peep from our customers that they were, in any way, dissatisfied.”
Plural for a loud and typically discordant noise or sound
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