To act in preparation for something
To devise or contrive of (something) using skill or ingenuity
“The real miracle, though, is that you could contrive a way to have a food crisis.”
To devise or create something quickly or in a makeshift way
“When they meet a teacher, parents generally act embarrassed, hastily contrive a few remarks, and rush away.”
To devise a plan or strategy to achieve a goal
“They drove on, fully expecting Mrs. Raymond Maclelland, Bobby's mother, to somehow contrive a means of stopping the wedding.”
To make secret plans, especially to do something illicit or unlawful
“Indeed, there are a few who furtively contrive to use such arguments as a basis for rejecting any peace offensive.”
To make a false show or pretense of
“The shy person who must contrive an air of confidence and warmth in a crowd.”
To bring about or cause something to happen
To carry out a plan with a specific purpose in mind
To obtain, arrange, or achieve by deceitful methods or by trickery
To indulge in fantasies about something desired
To seek something desired by indirectly prompting someone to offer it
To invoke or raise the presence of
To ascertain through analysis or investigation
To build or alter according to personal preferences or specifications
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