To separate or sort (systematically) into groups
“From pictures of items found in department or grocery stores, the children sort out the items by what department they would be found in.”
To tidy up or put in order
“Sort out your room while you're up there. Tom and Ellie are coming for the weekend, so make sure it's tidy.”
To resolve a problem or troublesome situation
“Sorry boss, I'm still trying to sort out this mess with the school. I should be there in an hour.”
(informal) To deal with a troublesome person by reprimanding them
“Malmesbury School is trying to sort Tom out, but it seems to be making things worse.”
(informal) To deal with a troublesome person by punishing them
“I will be back with an army of men from Manchester to sort you out.”
To make by putting pieces together
To carry out an action to the end
To fix, correct, revise or improve
To investigate in a systematic manner
(deal with) To handle or take action on a given issue
To divide into constituent or distinct elements
To perform a series of actions on something
To take care of
To sort or rearrange (a jumbled collection) into the right order
To sort, sift, or isolate out from a larger group or collection
To conclusively settle (an argument or debate)
To go over in one's head
(of a decision) To come to or arrive at
(smooth over) To resolve, or work towards resolving an issue or conflict
To reach a decision or agreement about
To succeed in acquiring or bringing about
To formulate in one's mind
To separate or isolate
To explain something that is difficult to comprehend
To be an identifying characteristic or mark of
To come to a (satisfactory) resolution
To wreak vengeance on
To obtain or bring about by discussion
To take, or be in, charge of
To choose or select
To get revenge
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