To act on, or put into action, a request
To come to an end or conclusion
“The event will finish with an evening dinner and entertainment at the nearby hotel.”
To put the final touches to
“I just need to add a few extra strokes to finish this masterpiece.”
(of food) To consume or get through the final amount or portion of
“Finish your vegetables, or there will be no dessert for you!”
(of drink) To consume or get through the final amount or portion of
“Will it make you feel better if you finish a whole bottle of wine? No.”
(of a resource) To consume or get through the final amount or portion of
“I will have to buy some new detergent after we finish the last remaining amount of what we currently have.”
To put a coating on, especially as a final touch
“Sammy used a sage green stain to finish his garden wall.”
To end the life of, or defeat comprehensively
“Johnny Cage has the ability to finish his opponent in a truly gruesome manner.”
To defeat comprehensively or convincingly
“Gamers are able to create intense attacks with unique camera angles to finish their opponents with a cinematic ultimate attack.”
To exit from a given situation, place or event
“After four long years, she would finally finish college.”
Plural for an end or final part or stage of something
“The concert would culminate in a truly spectacular finish.”
Plural for the surface appearance of a manufactured material or object, or the material used to produce this
“Exposure to sunlight, chemicals, and smoke will cause the cabinet's finish to change colors over time.”
Plural for a point or place at which a race or competition ends
“Verbrugghe broke away on the stage's final climb 18 km from the finish and raced home alone.”
(sports) Plural for a score or goal which results from a well-executed sequence of actions
“Larry's finish would impress the crowd, not many of whom would appreciate the perfect ball-movement that had led up to it.”
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