To ingest or consume food
“Many busy people today swallow their food after giving it only one or two chews.”
To drink or imbibe in a liquid
“He watched Dieter swallow his beer hard as his hollow cheekbones bulged forth with each gulp.”
To believe as valid or correct
“In daily political discourse, we just swallow as gospel the one-sided pronouncements of our favorite commentators.”
To restrain or repress, especially one's feelings, opinions or emotions
“He's one of those men who swallow their feelings for the sake of a quiet life.”
To tolerate or put up with something undesirable
“Apparently, these broadcasters believe that listeners are incapable of handling subversive music, but are ready to swallow euphemisms.”
To take back something that one has said or stated
“You better watch your tongue, or I'll make you swallow your words.”
Plural for a single act of imbibing in a liquid, or the single portion that is imbibed
“Josh joined him in the toast, taking the drink in one swallow as the old man ordered two more shots.”
Plural for a small portion of a serving of a food, especially that is swallowed at one time
“By the time I pay my rent and what I borrowed last month to keep going, there's just not enough left for more than a swallow of food.”
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