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What is another word for screens?

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To shut off from view
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“I stopped behind a gorse bush, both for shelter from the cool wind and to screen myself from the birds.”
To keep protected from something potentially dangerous
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“Under the gigantic branches, the beasts of the forests screen themselves from the heat of the sun.”
To keep secret or conceal the truth
“He exhausted all methods to secure a majority in this House, either to promote his future ambitious views, or screen his past criminal conduct.”
To sieve or strain something by passing it through a filter
“Mesh barriers or sieves can screen out anything larger than a certain size from incoming water.”
To pick, select or cull from a larger group
“Calculations based on the equations can help material scientists screen the best candidate materials for optical-switching applications.”
To separate something from something else with or as if with a screen
“Branches, taken off nearby trees, were interwoven into the barbed wire to screen it off from the camp's other section.”
To show or broadcast (a film, video or program)
“The cinema will screen the latest films and will feature handmade reclining seats with retractable tray tables and triple the normal legroom.”
To check on or investigate (someone or something)
“The procedure allowed the department to screen candidates for backgrounds of non-compliance before they were selected.”
To cloak or envelop (under a covering)
To shut off or keep apart, as from company, society, etc.
To evaluate a performer
To edit out incorrect, offensive, or otherwise undesirable content from a publication
To search carefully and systematically
To impede the work or ability of, especially intending to cause failure
To prohibit or interdict the participation or inclusion of
To be on each or on one side of
To cover an opening
Plural for a partition used to divide a space
“The room was perfunctory, with a bed and wardrobe, and behind a privacy screen lay a simple bathroom.”
Plural for something that serves to protect
“Fishing nets were hung in folds on each side of the passenger cabins as a screen to defend against bullets.”
Plural for something serving to hide or disguise something (else)
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“It's a wittily contrived story about an elusive author who seems to have some very good reasons for concealing his life behind a screen of mystery.”
Plural for something that provides shelter or shade
“It served only as a screen from the sun, as it would not shed rain at all, and from the nature of the materials it could last only a few months.”
Plural for a frame with fine wire netting
“If you must leave them open for fresh air, make sure there is a screen to keep the flies out.”
Plural for a large sieve or riddle, especially one for sorting substances such as grain or coal into different sizes
“It uses a frame supporting a screen that strains and filters the pulp fibers in an even layer to form a sheet of paper.”
Plural for the production of films as an art or industry
“Callow is one of the UK's finest and best-loved actors, a star of stage and screen, as well as being a respected author.”
Plural for a flat panel on an electronic device on which images and data are displayed
“The new phone also has a long battery life and comes with a large screen.”
(basketball) Plural for a tactic in which a player blocks a defender from reaching a teammate
“Jared set a hard screen for Spencer on the Hornets' first possession, but was whistled for a foul.”
Plural for piece protecting part of a vehicle
Plural for a network of fine threads, especially one constructed by a spider
Plural for a thin layer covering a surface
Plural for state of being impervious, immune to, or blocking an external influence or harm
Plural for a barrier, railing, or other upright structure enclosing an area
Plural for a piece of fabric material suspended at the top to form a screen
Plural for the way that someone or something looks
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