Edible supplies obtained for future use
“Three days passed, and the water skins were quite empty, the meager provisions long finished.”
The conditions of an agreement
“Under the provisions of that statute, the Minister shall be the person most liable to sue or be sued.”
Agricultural and other natural products collectively
The technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose
“Contracting out public service provision has rarely worked effectively.”
A sum of money saved for the future
The benefits associated with a particular situation, role, or job
A set of rules, instructions, or guidelines for doing something
Plural for the action of providing or supplying something for use
“The charity is dedicated to the provision of food and lodging to the city's homeless.”
(provision for/against) Plural for financial or other arrangements for future eventualities or requirements
“It is the duty of government to make provision for the future.”
Plural for a measure taken to protect someone or something or to prevent something undesirable
Plural for something bequeathed in a will
Plural for a fixed amount of a commodity, typically given to each person, animal or thing in a group
Plural for a gift or charitable benefaction that is bestowed onto someone, typically financial
Plural for the action or fact of indulging in, or gratifying, one's wishes or desires
Plural for preparations for an undertaking
Plural for the action of delivering letters, parcels, or goods
Plural for an insistent and peremptory request, made as of right
Plural for the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration
Plural for a quantity or supply of something kept for use as needed
Plural for the imparting or exchange of information
Plural for a product and or service made to address a specific need
Plural for the process of building up military capacity
Plural for work done in preparation for something else
Plural for the action applying or enforcing something
Plural for a tentative conjecture explaining an observation
To give what is needed or desired
“The militant group would provision their men with everything they needed to get the job done.”
To provide with food
“The inability to provision the army with adequate food supplies was a much larger issue.”
To have space for accommodating a given number of people
To provide with the food or sustenance for growth, health, and good condition
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