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What is another word for tables?

Need synonyms for tables? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.

General term for objects, not necessarily just furniture, that occupy space
A collection or store of data
Plural for a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs
“The table was laden with a plethora of scrumptious dishes.”
Plural for a set of facts, figures or information systematically displayed, especially in columns
“The available data is represented in this table, categorized and sorted according to geographical location.”
Plural for a relatively flat region of land or terrain
“Deep between the two canyons lies a broad table.”
Plural for a supply of food in a restaurant or household
“Michel's restaurant was reputed to have the finest French table in the city.”
To present formally for discussion or consideration
“You must speak with conviction as you table your proposal on each of the issues.”
To postpone from being dealt with
“We will table the amendment for future discussion.”
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