The build up to something more advanced
“The project's development is well into its final stages, and the production team is confident it will be completed by month's end.”
A newly occurring incident in a current state of affair
“There has been a development in the earlier story we reported on, and not all is as it seems.”
The process of growing up
“Little Joey's development has been a lot faster than we anticipated.”
The progressive aspect of a learned skill
“John's development in his public speaking skills were clearly fast tracked by his involvement in the school's debating team.”
The creation or forming of
“Development of the new motorway will begin in the first quarter of next year.”
The resultant occurrence
“Surely, they foresaw this development as a result of them tinkering with yet more rule changes to the game.”
The action or state of enlarging or being enlarged
The act or process of being transformed into a different form
A sudden, dramatic, and important discovery or development
The arrival of a notable person or thing
The state of being educated or enlightened
A form or version of something that is derived or that differs in some respect
The action of establishing something or being established
The current state of affairs
Events represented in a story or play
The process of the formation and growth of cities
A process of social and economic change towards an industrial state
A plan or program, usually new or untried
The encouragement of, or an activity that encourages, a cause, venture, or aim
The action or process of correcting something
A general direction in which something is developing or changing
The action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration
Work directed towards the innovation, introduction, and improvement of products and processes
An area of land and modern buildings developed for residential, industrial, or commercial purposes
The process of becoming different
The act of formulating of a course of action
A thing that is new, novel or innovative
A fact that is taken into account in deciding something
The act of making something more intricate, complex or convoluted
The legal or official standing or classification of a person or country
A large area reserved for business establishments such as factories, offices, and warehouses
The act of nourishing or nursing
Origination and development of a disease
An event or discovery representing an important stage or juncture
The extent to which someone is employable based on their skills or qualifications
A distinct stage in a series of events or process
A series of events producing a result
The formation of a word from another word or from a root in the same or another language
The time, or the condition, of budding or flowering
Primarily for residential accommodation, estates may also include commercial facilities
One's past or history
The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society
An unexpected turn of events, typically in a story
The conclusions to which any course or condition of things lead
A building or place, typically assigned with a given or specific purpose
History or biography of a person's life
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