Consequences, repercussions, or consequences
“The reverberations of his actions were felt throughout the entire organization.”
A direct or natural consequence or result
An angry or negative reaction to an event or action
Plural for the echo or resonance of a sound
“After a while, he woke up, and the reverberation of the music was still in his ear.”
Plural for a beat or pulse
“She found herself lost in a pulsating reverberation that began deep inside, then spiraled up and outward.”
Plural for a loud, resonant sound or series of sounds
“He heard a screeching that made his jaw clench, an ugly, grating reverberation shattering his last nerve.”
Plural for the effect or consequence of an action or event
“The reverberation of their actions still echoes through society today.”
Plural for a violent shaking movement caused by an impact, explosion, or tremor
Plural for the underlying or subtle character or quality of something
Plural for that which is heard by one's ears
Plural for thinking or behaving that is oppositional to previous or established modes of thought and behavior
Plural for a dissonant sound or noise
Related Words and Phrases