A (natural) ability or aptitude for doing something
“Her moods are many, and she has a faculty for portraying deep emotions with an airy touch.”
A faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus
“His research confirms the long-held belief that fear in animals is connected to their keen faculty of smell.”
One's general mental capacity or ability to reason
“It is curious to me how comfortably I endure the sense of gradually losing my faculties and of becoming less intelligent.”
A department or group in an educational institution concerned with a division of knowledge
“So does the absence of any reference to the via moderna within the faculty of arts at this time indicate that Wittenberg was still committed to the via antiqua?”
The teachers or educators (collectively) in an educational institution
“The faculty agreed on a change to the syllabus.”
A license or authorization from a Church authority
“The canon lists several conditions which must be met for parish priests to exercise validly the faculty to confirm adults they baptize or receive into full communion.”
A natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking
Staff or workers collectively, especially for a given organization
An attribute, quality, or characteristic of something
The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
A college or institution of learning
The faculty or state of being able to see
A group of people in attendance on a monarch or other person of high rank
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