(of a creature capable of flight) To come to rest after flying
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A solid surface on land or earth
“Waded to shore, setting our feet on land for the first time in seventeen days.”
Ground owned as property
“We have just purchased land on which to build our next home.”
An area of land, typically a large one
“The land to the west was rumored to have incredibly rich soil and abundant sources of water.”
A country or state
“This country has always been known as the land of the free.”
The part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water
“We wondered if the presence of a seagull signaled that we were close to land.”
Solid ground next to, or near, a body of water
“As daylight arrived, he saw land in the distance and realized, gratefully, that he was being carried toward it.”
Ground, especially with reference to its use or quality
“The pioneers were in search of fertile land.”
(the land) Rural areas and the rural way of life
“Many folks have decided to leave the land to work in the big city.”
An area of land and its buildings, used for growing crops and rearing animals
Land and scenery, typically of a rural area
A place or location where a person has spent a significant part of their childhood growing up
The ground near the edge of a lake, the land adjacent to a lake
Stocks, property, and other financial assets in someone's possession
A large house or residence
The totality of living organisms and their environment
A long-standing group of people, within a given region, sharing cultural commonalities
To acquire, especially as a return for effort
“I would land what I considered, at the time, to be my dream job.”
To get to a destination (in a general sense)
“After traveling for several hours, we would finally land in Berlin.”
To reach land, especially of a vessel
“The island was about nine hundred yards broad from the place where the boat would land.”
To dismount a vessel
“We will soon land at the next port where you can indulge in some shopping or sightseeing in the nearby village.”
(of an aircraft) To come down through the air and rest on the ground or another surface
“The plane is expected to land in about half an hour.”
(of a creature capable of flight) To come to rest after flying
“A cute little blue jay would land on our window sill.”
To cause a flying object to make a landing
“A few of the student pilots were curiously not interested in learning how to land a plane.”
To cause someone to be in (a difficult situation)
“This ambivalence towards risk can often land them in difficult situations.”
To inflict something undesirable on someone
“She would order the caviar-topped lobster and land me with a hefty bill.”
To inflict a physical blow on someone
“She gives as good as she gets, and manages to land a few punches before the soldier gets away.”
To come up with
To run aground on a beach, typically of a ship or vessel
To fall down, especially after losing one's balance
To physically place in a given location
To forcefully descend and collide, crash or ditch abruptly
To influence someone (usually dishonestly) in return for money
Of, relating to or restricted to a specific geographic area, or territory
On, or inhabiting, the land of planet Earth
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