Tending to refine, or in the process of being refined
“Only small amounts of olefins are found in crude oils, but large volumes are produced in refining processes.”
Tending to improve, or in the process of being improved
“This would be a great opportunity to see if his refining skills had improved.”
Relating to intellectual or artistic progress, advancement or achievements
The process of removing impurities or unwanted elements from a substance
The process of making a revision or correction to a text
To act of adjusting to a particular specification or requirement
The action or process of improving something until it is faultless
Present participle for to make free from impurities
“It used to be a real problem to refine sugar before his invention made the process simpler and more profitable.”
Present participle for to improve in quality or accuracy
“I know that girl would've taken her time to refine her masterpiece, and so should you.”
Present participle for to modify or edit in order to improve
“Rundle and Holliday are working to refine the method and find new ways to visualize the data.”
Present participle for to put the final or finishing touches to
“As a young man, Pindar went to Athens to complete and refine his poetic education.”
Present participle for to change or alter in some way
Present participle for to change one's attitude for the better
Present participle for to check a written text for errors in spelling and grammar
Present participle for to do an act or skill repeatedly in order to perfect it
Present participle for to make something look (more) presentable
Present participle for to smooth or level out by rubbing or applying friction
Present participle for to perform a series of actions on something
Present participle for to encourage or raise the spirits of
Present participle for to channel or transfer energy or emotions into a different form or direction
(computing) Present participle for to manipulate data or information with a computer or software
Present participle for to make smooth or glossy by applying surface pressure
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