Present participle for to quickly browse or skim through, especially reading material
“I'll very quickly look through the slides and give you an overview what it is we'll be talking about.”
Present participle for to examine or inspect something
“Bo, you and Gertie look through the house while we look at a piece of equipment in the barn.”
Present participle for to search a space or container for something
“It was the Friday afternoon when she had finally gone into the shop to look through the drawers for a pair of scissors.”
Present participle for to ignore or take no notice of
“Could I deceive you, such a man as you, that can look through me as if I was a lanthorn, or a pane of glass without a bull's eye in it.”
Present participle for to study, inspect or look over
Present participle for to rummage or search through
Present participle for to check a written text for errors in spelling and grammar
Present participle for to take a brief or hurried look
Present participle for to rebuff, ignore, or spurn (someone) disdainfully