Present participle for to be a symbol of, or to have as a meaning
“Symbols stand for something, yet this one doesn't seem to represent anything at all.”
Present participle for to advocate or show support for something
“If parties need cash, let them go out and convince people that they stand for something worth supporting.”
Present participle for to endure or put up with (something)
“Why must I stand for the humiliation of being fingerprinted before I can get a card to work New York night clubs?”
Present participle for to permit (someone) to have or do something
“I cannot stand for you to see me like this.”
Present participle for to be a symbol or embodiment of
(act for) Present participle for to represent on behalf of
Present participle for to be a sign or symbol of
Present participle for to enter or participate in a contest, usually as a political candidate
Present participle for to convey or express in a particular way or manner
(often used in the negative) Present participle for to approve of
Present participle for to endorse or approve of (something)
Present participle for to act or serve as a substitute
Present participle for to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath
Present participle for to take part in a political campaign
Present participle for to excuse or disregard as unimportant or insignificant