A thing that is granted, especially in response to demands and by compromise
“This means that when the buyer asks you to make a concession in the terms of the deal, you should always ask for a concession in return.”
A legal or privileged right to use land or property for a specified purpose
“The owner of the mining property has been granted the concession to exploit the new substance found therein.”
A reduction in a fee, cost or price, typically for a certain category of person
“To estimate tax expenditures, one needs to determine whether a tax concession is a substitute for spending.”
An admission or acknowledgment of a fact
“His rapprochement with Iran in Syria was, in effect, was a concession of his failure to achieve his objectives there.”
The act of conceding or relinquishing a possession or one's position
“He said there'd be no concession of territory.”
A formal document granting or demanding certain rights or liberties
Official permission or approval for an action
The action or process of appeasing, conciliating, or preserving the peace
A state equally removed from two opposite extremes
The practice of tolerating something, in particular differences of opinion or behaviour
Acknowledgement of the existence, validity, or legality of something
A sum of money apportioned, especially formally or officially
Something of no great value given or done as a concession to appease someone
A building or part of a building where goods or services are sold
The action or fact of complying with a wish or command
A change in position or direction of one's opinion
Place for buying snacks
A concessionary discount or special offer that allows for significant savings
A regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure
Something given to someone as a present or contribution
An amount or thing supplied or provided
A kiosk or booth offering food, beverages, or snacks
An eating establishment in which diners are served food at their tables
A thing conferred as a distinction, especially an official award
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