Plural for a sum paid for the capture or killing of a person or animal
“For the time being, there was a minor bounty on his head, which led him to be prime pickings for the two partners.”
Plural for an amount of something gained or acquired
“The city fell virtually without bloodshed, and the plunderers helped themselves to a huge bounty of gold and silver.”
Plural for something provided or available in generous amounts
“With autumn's bounty of nuts and fruit half a season away, the woods offered meager forage in high summer.”
Plural for generosity or charity, or an act of generosity or charity
“He is also much praised by historians for his great bounty to the church.”
(now literary) Plural for a reward, prize or recompense for a service
Plural for something given as a reward or remuneration for something done
Plural for a grant or contribution of money
Plural for a beneficial thing for which one is grateful
Plural for treasure or items considered valuable or opulent
Plural for valuable goods obtained through hostile or illegal means
Plural for an amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something
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