To cut with a wide, sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword
“Slash the meat with a sharp knife so that the flavors from the marinade penetrate it.”
To lash or strike repeatedly, especially with a long pliable instrument
“Then he began to slash the ground with his wings. He slashed the ground everywhere, and everywhere he slashed he made a deep valley with high cliffs and deep gorges.”
To reduce in quantity, extent or price, especially drastically
“He would have to slash his prices in half and create a branded line of three complementary products in order to get the deal.”
To puncture or pierce with a sharp, pointed object
To publicly criticize or castigate harshly
To tear (something) into pieces
To make or become less in amount or quantity
To cut or trim off, especially the outer covering or skin of something
To mark something with striations
To use up the supply or resources of
To diminish to nothing
To remove (a section) from a text or piece of music
Plural for a long, deep cut made by a knife or sword
“Pushing her black hair out of her face, she caught a glimpse of the ruby-red slash across her right forearm.”
Plural for an oblique stroke in print or writing
“Place a slash between the words to separate them.”
Plural for a reduction of some sort in an existing program
Plural for the process of passing urine, that is, of eliminating liquid waste from the body
Plural for urine or act of urinating
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